Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Reached ~ outside reading book

Reached- a new beginning to the end
second quarter outside reading book review

Reached by Ally Condie. Penguin Group.    Genre:dystopian

Cassia,Ky, and Xander have now joined the rising.they may not know it but everything is about to change.The society is falling apart. Slowly being taken over by the Plague. The society created the plague but they didn't realize it would spread rapidly and grow beyond their help. Thats why the pilot, the leader of the Rising, took Cassia, Ky, and Xander to an outer provenance not affected by the plague. They was soon known as the Soter, the Body, and the physic. Together they will find a cure.

“A fierce, unforgettable page-turner.” ~Kirkus

This is the third book in the Matched trilogy. I like how she writes so that we can see many characters points of views.For example if one character is trying to figure out something from another character, then we could already know the secret, so that gives us more information.

““they have changed. We’re allowed to change.”(pg. 504).”

I enjoyed this book. I liked how the author had normal teenagers change the society. It just shows that anyone can change something. It could be small like in your town, or it could one day change the world. I think that is a really great message to send to the readers.

I give Reached 5 paws-Devour it!

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